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Republican Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney ...

Republican Presidential Candidate Mitt Romney and his wife, Ann Romney (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


When Bill Kristol and George Will are seen agreeing with Rachel Maddow and Ed Schultz, it’s usually over something important. Despite the multitude of issues plaguing the United States thanks to poor economic policies during the past decade, a Congress whose only job is to collect taxpayer-funded salaries and perks, and corporations sitting on $5.1 trillion dollars in cash claiming they are scared to hire people because they won’t make as much money, the issue the two sides agree upon won’t help repair the damage done.


No, the two polar opposite ideologies are in agreement – Mitt Romney should release his tax returns. 


The average number of tax returns released by a Presidential candidate since 1980 is 14. That’s 14 years, on average, released by those seeking the highest office in the land. Of those, the candidate who released the fewest was John McCain at two years. McCain, for his part, had forgotten how many homes his family owned. His campaign believed more tax returns wouldn’t change the situation he faced.


Romney has released his 2010 tax return and an estimated return for 2011. These years are after Romney knew he was running for President.


Romney refused to release tax returns in 1994 when he ran for Congress. He refused to release his returns when he ran for Massachusetts Governor. He refused to release his returns when he sought the GOP nomination in 2008.


The one time he released his tax returns, 23 years in all, he was passed over for Sarah Palin. That has to hurt.


His own side has called for him to release his returns. The Conservative National Review released an editorial yesterday asking him to release his tax returns for more years.


A USA Today/Gallop poll released today shows 54 percent of Americans wanting Romney to release more years of tax returns. 30 percent of respondents identifying themselves as Conservative wanted Romney to release his returns.


Today, Ann Romney, the wife of Mitt, told ABC’s Robin Roberts “we’ve given all you people need to know“. That all we need to know? Your husband won’t release his returns?


Even Ann knows Mitt is hiding something in those tax returns. Whatever it is, it must be politically damaging. After all, John McCain and his team saw 23 years worth of Romney’s returns and picked Sarah Palin.


What could be lurking in those tax returns? Details on how Romney managed $100 million into an IRA with a maximum contribution amount of $30,000 a year? More accounts located offshore to avoid US taxes? Failure to self-report offshore income to the IRS?


There’s no telling. Ann’s condescending tone of calling voters “You people” will be a rallying cry to continue hammering Mitt Romney on his tax returns. Nothing pisses people off more than when a politicians wife talks down to them to their faces. Thanks for the sound bite Romney campaign!


In the end, the GOP is calling for Romney to release his tax returns. The Conservative media is siding with the Liberal media on the issue. The public is demanding it. The time has come to release the returns. Stop attempting to hide in the spotlight, Mitt Romney.


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